Tags (19) Canada France Spain Switzerland United Kingdom Education Health & Social Care Services Firefighters Police PSI Inter-America Europe Mediterranean Europe Canada Benelux and France UK and Ireland Care Local & Regional Government / Municipal Education Support, Media & Cultural Workers Public service workers on the frontline of massive industrial actions Feb 07, 2023 enesfr
Tags (7) Spain United Kingdom Health & Social Care Services PSI Privatisation Europe Covid-19 Spain nationalises all private hospitals, UK rents hospital beds Mar 17, 2020 enesfr
Tags (5) Chile España Federación de Servicios a la Ciudadanía de CCOO Derechos humanos Interamérica Mensaje de la FSC-CCOO de España al pueblo chileno oct 31, 2019 es
Tags (4) Spain Migration Europe PSI in the news European and Spanish migration policies must change and become people-focused Jun 19, 2018 esen
Tags (9) Brasil Costa Rica Honduras Paraguay Perú España Public Funding/Taxation La ISP en la prensa Interamérica Justicia Fiscal en América Latina y el Caribe: noticias de la semana (28/11/2017) nov 30, 2017 es
Tags (7) Brasil México España Global Public Funding/Taxation La ISP en la prensa Interamérica Justicia Fiscal en América Latina y el Caribe: noticias de la semana (14/11/2017) nov 14, 2017 es
Tags (4) Spain Global Europe PSI in the news EPSU condemns terror in Barcelona. We stand with the workers and people in Spain Aug 18, 2017 en
Tags (3) España LGBT+ La ISP en la prensa 2016 año de la visibilidad bisexual en la diversidad y en el trabajo ago 03, 2016 es