Projects (53)

Tags (22)
- Colombia
- Egypt
- Kenya
- Peru
- Tunisia
- Zambia
- Climate Crisis
- The Union of Service and Communication Employees
- Fackförbundet ST
- Swedish Municipal Workers Union
- Vårdförbundet - Swedish Association of Health Professionals
- Akademikerförbundet SSR
- Africa & Arab Countries
- Inter-America
- Southern Africa
- English-speaking Central, East and West Africa
- Arab Countries
- Andean countries
- Union to Union
- Quality Public Services
Strengthening public services and public finances for a just and equitable transition

Tags (13)
- Brasil
- Colombia
- Guatemala
- Salud
- Condiciones de trabajo
- Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Seguridade Social da CUT
- Federação Nacional dos Enfermeiros
- Sindicato de Trabajadores del Distrito de Bogotá
- Sindicato de Trabajadores del Hospital Universitario San Ignacio
- Sindicato Nacional de los Trabajadores de Salud de Guatemala
- Interamérica
- Derechos sindicales
Ampliando los derechos de los trabajadores de la salud en América Latina

Tags (23)
- Botswana
- Kenya
- Nigeria
- Uganda
- Energy
- Waste
- Water
- Nat. Amalg. Local & Central Gov't, Parastat. Workers' Union
- Botswana Land Board & Local Authorities & Health Workers Union
- Botswana Public Employees Union
- Kenya County Government Workers Union
- Union of Kenya Civil Servants
- Kenya Electrical Trades and Allied Workers' Union
- Kenya Union of Commercial, Food and Allied Workers
- National Union of Electricity Employees of Nigeria
- Uganda Public Employees Union
- Uganda Electricity and Allied Workers' Union
- Amalgamated Union of Public Corporations, Civil Service Technical and Recreational Services Employees
- Africa & Arab Countries
- DGB Bildungswerk
- Quality Public Services
- Electricity
- Uganda Local Government Workers' Union
Promoting Transparency and Decent Work in Supply Chains in Electricity, Water and Waste Services in Sub-Sahara Africa

Read this
This project is implemented by Public Services International in partnership with Union to Union (U2U) and the Swedish affiliates, VISION and Kommunal.

Tags (12)
- France
- Global
- Education International
- UNI Global Union
- International Transport Workers’ Federation
- International Trade Union Confederation
- FNV Mondiaal
- Building and Wood Worker's International
- IndustriALL Global union
- Uniting Food, Farm and Hotel Workers Worldwide
- International Federation of Journalists
Promoting LGBTI rights in the workplace by the Global Unions

Sharing good practices in addressing gender-based violence in the world of work in the health sector