IndustriALL Global union
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Tags (13)
- Uganda
- Gender-based violence
- Uganda Public Employees Union
- Uganda Electricity and Allied Workers' Union
- National Union of Educational Institutions
- Africa & Arab Countries
- IndustriALL Global union
- Uniting Food, Farm and Hotel Workers Worldwide
- National Union of Government & Allied Workers
- Uganda Local Government Workers' Union
- Uganda Medical Workers' Union
- Gender Equality and Equity
- Ratify ILO Convention C190 on the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work
Stakeholders’ engagement meeting on GBV and the ratification of C190

Tags (15)
- Gender-based violence
- Health & Social Care Services
- Education International
- UNI Global Union
- International Transport Workers’ Federation
- International Trade Union Confederation
- Privatisation
- PSI Global
- Building and Wood Worker's International
- IndustriALL Global union
- Uniting Food, Farm and Hotel Workers Worldwide
- International Federation of Journalists
- Gender Equality and Equity
- Ratify ILO Convention C190 on the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work
Train the Trainers Toolkit: ILO Convention 190 and Recommendation

Tags (12)
- Haiti
- Education International
- UNI Global Union
- International Transport Workers’ Federation
- International Trade Union Confederation
- Human rights
- Trade Union Rights
- PSI Statements
- Building and Wood Worker's International
- IndustriALL Global union
- Uniting Food, Farm and Hotel Workers Worldwide
- International Federation of Journalists
Global Unions appeal to stop the breakdown of democracy in Haiti