Tags (4) Greece Migration PSI Privatisation Moria Refugee Camp: Safety and Dignity for Migrants and Refugees Sep 18, 2020 en
Tags (7) Greece Social protection floors Trade union rights Global Europe Trade union development PSI in the news 48-hour general strike in Greece May 06, 2016 esen
Tags (4) Greece Trade union rights Europe PSI in the news ADEDY and GSEE stage nationwide strike in Greece against pension reform Feb 04, 2016 en
Tags (4) Greece Trade union rights Europe PSI in the news Solidarity with Greek workers on strike 12 November Nov 14, 2015 en
Tags (5) Greece Trade union rights Europe Public Funding/Taxation PSI in the news "Greece has given Europe a lesson of democracy, and the right answer to austerity, " says Rosa Pavanelli Jan 27, 2015 enfres
Tags (4) Greece Europe Water and sanitation PSI in the news Eurozone President and Dutch Finance Minister Dijsselbloem suffers crushing defeat in Greek saga Jul 07, 2014 en
Tags (5) Greece Europe Privatisation Water and sanitation PSI in the news Resist privatisation of water in Thessaloniki May 19, 2014 en
Tags (4) Greece Trade union rights Europe PSI in the news Greece: ADEDY organises protest strikes against draft law Mar 11, 2014 en
Tags (6) Greece Global Europe Privatisation Water and sanitation PSI in the news New campaign to save Greek water from privatization Mar 04, 2014 en
Tags (6) Greece Quality public services Europe Privatisation Public Funding/Taxation PSI in the news EPSU angered over Eurogroup President's satisfaction over destruction of Greece Dec 20, 2013 en