Climate crisis Public Service Workers on Frontline of Climate Crisis Fight for a Just and Equitable Transition
Small island countries are experiencing some of the most devastating impacts of the climate crisis, even though they only account for a tiny portion of the global carbon emissions. Workers in public services -- health workers, social and community workers, emergency services workers -- are in the frontlines of this crisis.
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Produced at an important gathering of public service workers from small island states which took place in Melbourne, Australia in November 2022, this video highlights the need for quality public services to respond to the climate crisis as well as the role of unions in advancing just transition particularly in small islands states. The video was launched at the Fiji Nurses Association Professional Conference on March 1, 2023.
Indeed, climate justice is a union issue; it affects workers' rights, livelihood and overall well-being. Unions are thereby challenged to organise more, raise public awareness and build solidarity to confront the climate crisis. It is critical that public service workers and their unions are able to plan the response and ensure a just and equitable transition for all. We must continue to fight for a well-funded public services and more low-carbon jobs as antidote to the climate crisis. At the same time, we must put premium on the work of public service workers as we build a future that workers for the people and our planet.