Orange the World

Young trade unionists from Africa and Arab countries united under the theme "Young workers strengthening the trade union movement" during a conference which aligned with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. The conference, jointly sponsored by FORSA and the Civil and Local Government Staff Association, Ghana (CLOGSAG), demonstrated the emerging leadership role of young workers in advocating for safer, more respectful workplaces, particularly as eight African nations have already ratified the crucial ILO Convention 190.

The conference of the young workers in Africa and Arab countries synchronized this year with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and the beginning of the 16-day activism for preventing and addressing this universal entrenched problem. The young workers made it loud and clear that violence and harassment has no place in the world of work, and that everyone is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect.

An interactive session took place to review the best practices of the ILO Convention on Violence and Harassment (No. 190), and its accompanying Recommendation (No. 206). The session takeaway was that trade unions do not have to wait for ratification and can start using preventive measures and remedies of C190 as a blueprint to organize and mobilize around the issue of violence and harassment in the world of work; identify hazards and assess the risks of violence and harassment and take measures to prevent and control them; and build up structures at the workplaces to address issue of violence and harassment.

Eight African countries have already ratified C190, namely: Central African Republic, Lesotho, Mauritius, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, and Uganda. These countries are sending, thereby, an important signal to the international community about the State’s commitment to take all measures necessary to prevent and address violence and harassment in the world of work. Yet, trade unions are putting pressure on implementation. The young workers are calling for more swift action to take all necessary measures to eliminate violence and harassment, and they are also determined to lobby for the ratification in the rest of the region to help build a just, respectful and safe world of work for all.