LRGNEXT2021 Session #4 Climate Emergencies - Gerardo Juara
Gerardo works at CEAMSE, a state-owned company formed by the Province of Buenos Aires and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, responsible for waste management in the metropolitan area. He is currently Secretary for the Environment of the "Asociación Gremial Obreros y Empleados de la Conservación Ecológica Ambiental y Servicios Especiales (AGOEC) ", a trade union organisation that brings together workers in the integrated management of urban solid waste in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires, and is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Argentine Confederation of Transport Workers (CATT).
This presentation is part of the LRGNEXT2021 Thematic Series, Session 4 Part 2 "The local dimension of the Climate crisis, public emergencies & environmental protection".
In the same session
Sandra Van Niekerk is responsible for the effective implementation of the PSI climate change strategy in the Africa and Arab Countries Region and acts as a liaison coordinator for climate change work with other PSI regions.