The People’s Inquiry into Privatisation launches new report on 23 October 2017 on how privatisation affects communities and calls for a moratorium on privatisation until greater regulatory mechanisms and proper policy frameworks are implemented around the delivery of public services.
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Communities across Australia are feeling let down by privatisations that deliver worse and often more expensive services. The People’s Inquiry into Privatisation started because there is a clear need to map the impact of privatisation on Australian communities and to articulate alternatives to orthodox economic and political ideas that are driving declining coverage and quality of essential services.
In 2016 The People’s Inquiry Into Privatisation toured Australia and asked the question: how has privatisation affected your community?
The report was launched on 23 October 2017 at the State Library of Victoria, Australia.
See Facebook live event of the launch: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=895298107301136