Spotlight on Multilaterism: Inclusive multi-level governance:

Spotlight on Multilaterism: Inclusive multi-level governance:

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The case for the meaningful involvement of local and regional governments and public service trade unions in the multilateral system of the future

PSI has co-authored an article with UCLG that makes the case for meaningful involvement of local and regional governments and public service trade unions in the multilateral system of the future. This article reviews the contribution of LRGs and their workers and trade unions to the global debate on the reform of multilateralism and identifies paths towards their meaningful inclusion through the future reform of the UN system. 

In particular, it argues for 

  • meaningful, systematic inclusion and consultation of trade unions in multilateral policymaking institutions and processes, as they bring their unique frontline expertise that is so critical to implement all global agendas

  • that UN-Habitat establishes a specific mechanism to meaningfully involve and recognise urban and local service workers and their trade unions’ expertise in urban policies and vital public service delivery, SDG 11

  • the recognition and attention of the UN to trade unions and workers' organisations expertise and professionalism of local government service workers as key actors in dealing with multi-crises situations.

  • the facilitation of an adequate space for regular social dialogue between LRG authorities and local public service workers’ unions

Every day, local and regional governments (LRGs) and their staff are on the frontline of the world’s intersecting global crises. However, their roles are not yet adequately acknowledged, and their expertise leveraged in the global multilateral system as it currently stands. This article reviews the contribution of LRGs and their workers and trade unions to the global debate on the reform of multilateralism and identifies paths towards their meaningful inclusion through the future reform of the UN system. It advocates for a structural shift in the multilateral system enabling a genuine, two-way local-regional-national-level dialogue, strong LRG, worker and community participation in international policymaking, and inclusive global cooperation capable of integrating local solutions and policy innovation from the bottom-up to accelerate the concrete implementation of global public policy agendas.

This paper is an extract from the report Spotlight on Global Multilateralism, Perspectives on the future of international cooperation in times of multiple crises

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