Social Dialogue is Key: PSI Roadmap on Bilateral Agreements on Health Worker Migration and Mobility

Social Dialogue is Key: PSI Roadmap on Bilateral Agreements on Health Worker Migration and Mobility

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The PSI Roadmap on Bilateral Agreements for Health Worker Migration and Mobility aims to provide a framework for rights-based, ethical, and sustainable labor migration in the health sector. In the context of ongoing health worker shortages, exacerbated by increased international migration, the roadmap focuses on supporting fair and ethical recruitment, upholding workers' rights, and ensuring sustainability in both countries of origin and destination.

Bilateral Labor Agreements (BLAs) are agreements between countries to facilitate the international recruitment of health workers. The roadmap promotes the active involvement of trade unions in the development, implementation, and monitoring of BLAs, ensuring that migrant health workers' rights are protected through social dialogue.

The roadmap emphasizes the role of international labour standards and the WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel in promoting principles for ethical recruitment, equal treatment, and workforce sustainability.