Women and young workers in local government unions
This project aims at developing inclusion and activation of youth and women within Turkish PSI affiliates in the municipality sector.
The project aims to trigger discussions within three local government unions on the importance of and how to recruit, include and engage youth and women inside the trade union. During meetings with young people, women and trade union leaders, obstacles will be identified, possible solutions elaborated and discussed.
To achieve this goal, the project will help formulate a recruitment plan for women and youth in the public sector based on the identification of the internal and external obstacles women and youth face on the work floor, proposals for change and tools for recruitment will be elaborated and discussed.
The project also aims at creating an organisational plan for the inclusion of women and youth in the trade union structures. This plan will include possibilities to activate women and youth committees, map the current presence of women an youth in the trade union structure and give suggestions on how to deal with internal and external obstacles that prevent women and youth from engaging in trade unions.
Trade union leadership, sectoral leaders, women committee participants, female and young members and delegates on the work floor from Genel-Is, Belediye-İş and Tüm Bel Sen.
Indirectly, inactive female and young members from Genel-Is, Belediye-İş and Tüm Bel Sen. As well as female and young public servants.