Nayareth Quevedo Millán
The fight against gender-based violence in the workplace and the strengthening of trade union action with a gender perspective
The objective of this project is to improve the working and living conditions of women in the public sector in Brazil and the Southern Cone, through the revision of public policies and emphasising on the eradication of gender-based violence in the workplace.
The objective of this project is:
To empower women trade unionists with tools that allow them to confront gender-based violence in public sector jobs in the Southern Cone and Brazil, and to include the gender perspective in trade union demands.
To increase the visibility of the problem of gender violence in public employment at the trade union, government and civil society levels
Generate and/or review public policies - with the participation of trade unions - that guarantee the elimination of gender-based violence in the workplace.
This video in Spanish was produced for the PSI project "The fight against gender-based violence in the workplace and the strengthening of trade union action with a gender perspective" implemented in collaboration with FÓRSA.
ILO Convention 190 - Against violence and harassment in the world of work
The project intervention strategy is:
Training and capacity building - a set of face-to-face and virtual training actions aimed at improving the levels of information, increasing women's awareness and providing tools for trade union promotion on issues related to gender violence in the workplace.
Networking - The aim is to exchange experiences and build common platforms of action at the national, sub-regional and regional levels of the Women's Committees. This strategy not only seeks to strengthen existing alliances among women in the sector, but also to strengthen PSI's work in the region and the committees themselves in addressing the problems faced by women in public employment by inviting and working together with sister organizations such as the ILO, the FES and other organizations to work on gender issues.
Studies and publications - The aim is to generate participatory studies and manuals based on the exchange of information from trade unions, secondary sources and the hiring of experts, so that organizations can address the issue of gender discrimination in public employment, such as gender-based violence.
Campaign - a set of communication and dissemination actions that seek to raise awareness and place the fight against gender-based violence in the workplace on the public and trade union agendas. An effective commitment of the trade union organisations to this issue is expected.
The participation and beneficiaries are:
The participation of PSI-affiliated public sector unions in Brazil and the Southern Cone has been considered for this project.
Se realizó el 11 de noviembre el cuarto y último de la serie de encuentros subregionales que la Internacional de Servicios Públicos (ISP) ha organizado en la región en el marco del proyecto Forsa "Violencia de Género en América Latina". Llevada a cabo de manera virtual, la actividad reunió a dirigentas sindicales de afiliadas de México, América Central y República Dominicana.
"Hacia una América Latina libre de Violencia y Acoso en el Mundo del Trabajo" - América Central
Se realizó el miércoles, 28 de octubre, el tercero de cuatro encuentros subregionales que la Internacional de Servicios Públicos (ISP) está organizando en la región en el marco del proyecto Forsa "Violencia de Género en América Latina". Llevada a cabo de manera virtual, la actividad reunió a dirigentas sindicales de afiliadas de los Países Andinos.
Encuentro "Hacia una América Latina libre de Violencia y Acoso en el Mundo del Trabajo" - Andinos
Foi realizado na quarta-feira, 21 de outubro, o segundo de quatro encontros sub-regionais que a Internacional de Serviços Públicos (ISP) está organizando na região no marco do projeto Forsa "Violência de Gênero na América Latina". Feita de maneira virtual, a atividade reuniu dirigentes sindicais de filiadas do Brasil.