Godsen Mohandoss
Strengthening the capacity of public services unions in South Asia to influence the policies of IFIs on privatisation and core labour standards
This proposed project will strengthen the existing work of PSI affiliates in South Asia to campaign on International Financial Institution (IFI) policy and fight privatisation.
Public Services unions seek to influence the policies of International institutions and governments at different levels against the privatisation of public services.
IFIs insists on neoliberal economic restructure as a prerequisite for financial assistance which results in market failure, increased inequality and intensified corruption. Privatisation of public assets is a tool of restructuring impacting negatively on the quality of public services and on working conditions.

Privatisation, a key pillar of SAPs, has been met with growing rejection, as demonstrated by the success in reclaiming public services from the privatized in South Asia. Yet, this policy advice persists, together with social spending cuts, wage ceilings, reduction of employers’ social contributions, poverty targeting rather than universal social protection, and regressive instead of sharply progressive taxation.
PSI and its affiliates in South Asia have been fighting the policies of IFIs that have been focusing on privatisation for over two decades. This proposed project will strengthen the existing work of PSI affiliates in South Asia to campaign against IFI policies and fight privatisation. The project will expand affiliates' membership and establish local union structures coupled with enhanced unions' visibility and recognition by the stakeholders. This will support PSI affiliates to deepen their understanding at the policy level related to workers rights and broader social safeguards governing IFIs and fight against privatisation.
The PSI affiliates in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and public sector workers affected by the policies of privatisation