Nayareth Quevedo Millán
Strengthening public sector trade unions in Paraguay
The project aims to increase the unions' impact on government policy. This translates into the unions' increased ability to influence matters that are of direct interest to them, but also to be able to influence public policy decisions in general.
Aim of the project
The situation of the Paraguayan trade union movement has been conditioned by its late insertion into the country's political arena and by its fragmentation, contributing to the fragile institutional landscape trade unionism in Paraguay.
It is hoped that the project will increase the unions' negotiating capacity, that the organisations will achieve higher management standards, and that they will increase, improve and consolidate effective internal and external communication mechanisms. The objective being to strengthen CONASAISP so that they become a relevant actor in defence and representation.
Este video es basado en el estudio “Multinacionales en América Latina: una caracterización a partir del sector salud en Brasil, México, Colombia, Perú, Paraguay y Chile”, desarrollado a través de una alianza entre la Internacional de Servicios Públicos y el Centro de Estudios de la Fundación Nodo XXI y disponible en:
El avance de las multinacionales en la salud en América Latina
Intervention strategy
Training and capacity building: face-to-face training activities with follow-up in the field aimed at improving leaders' knowledge in areas such as labour rights with a gender perspective; collective bargaining techniques and tools; and workshops on leadership and trade union management. This will cover areas such as: strategic planning and development of areas such as communications management.
En el marco de la crisis sanitaria, el gobierno paraguayo de Mario Abdo, presentó la idea de enviar al parlamento un Reforma del Estado, que hasta el minuto sólo plantea rebaja en los salarios de las y los ministros, jefaturas de servicio y directores de las empresas del Estado.
Campaña: La Reforma es Puro Cuento
QPS campaign: a set of actions that increase membership by changing the unions’ image. To make unions visible internally (in the workplace) as relevant actors representing workers and defending working conditions and externally (community/country) as actors of change.
Paraguay Virtual School Platform
As part of this project, PSI, through its Southern Cone office, is making a new virtual training tool available to affiliates, which will enable us to overcome the social distance imposed on us by the health crisis caused by Covid-19.
More informationStudies: on the negative impact of privatisation in the Southern Cone countries, with a national chapter on the working conditions of each sector.
Con el propósito de compartir experiencias en torno a los sistemas de salud pública en la región, particularmente el de Chile, la Internacional de Servicios Públicos (ISP) y la Asociación Paraguaya de Enfermería (APE) llevaron a cabo el 10 de diciembre el webinario "Las enfermeras y el nuevo modelo de salud pública en Paraguay: una mirada nacional e internacional" en el marco del proyecto Union to Union.
"Las enfermeras y el nuevo modelo de salud pública en Paraguay: una mirada nacional e internacional"
Sectoral networking (at the national and sub-regional level): The aim is to exchange experiences and build common platforms for action at the level of the sectors involved (health, municipalities, electricity, water and universities), with emphasis on PSI's global campaign on quality public services.
Dilemas del trabajo en el sector público en Paraguay
The beneficiaries
The project is aimed at Paraguayan public sector trade union organisations in the energy, water, higher education, health and municipal sectors: represented by their main organisations and other emerging organisations that have generated important actions in line with the project's aims.