Fatou Diouf
Representing health workers in conflict zones
The overall objective of the project is to improve the representation of health workers working in conflict zones in Cameroon and Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
The overall objective of the project is to improve the representation of health workers working in conflict zones in Cameroon and DRC.
This project will organise the collection of information on the working conditions of health workers in conflict zones. This will be an opportunity to unify the different health workers' unions around the same objective. On the basis of this work, and within the framework of social dialogue, the unions will be able to raise awareness among governmental and international bodies about the situation of health workers in conflict zones and develop proposals for action.
The conflict zones of Cameroon and DRC are experiencing an upsurge in abuses (bombing of hospitals, execution of patients in their hospital beds, threats and attacks on health workers) contrary to international humanitarian law and the principles of universal access to health care. These abuses jeopardize the health care chain for the populations that are especially in need of this care and the health facilities necessary for their survival are increasingly a farther distance away.
L'ISP et son affilié en RDC, SOLSICO, sont préoccupés par le sort des agents de santé travaillant dans les zones de conflit à l'est du pays, où ils sont victimes d'atrocités, privant la population de son droit à la santé. Grâce au projet de l'ISP "Représentation des travailleurs de la santé dans les zones de conflit", financé par FNV Mondiaal, le renforcement des capacités en matière de dialogue social permettra de dénoncer toutes ces violations et d'engager des négociations responsables avec le gouvernement.
Working conditions of health workers in conflict zones in the DRC
The project has three stages:
The collection of data on the situation of health workers (status, working conditions, needs, membership mapping) and on international proposals and mechanisms for protecting health workers.
On the basis of this data, the production of reports, demands and concerted trade union proposals intended for the attention of governmental and international bodies, as well as the construction of a trade union unit in the health sector through social dialogue, health workers will be trained beforehand on social dialogue.
Lastly, the trade unions will communicate the results of this work to governmental and international bodies in order to give them a realistic view of the situation of health workers in conflict zones.
Photos of activities held in Cameroon in 2024
Flickr album hereThe first beneficiaries will be health workers in the conflict zones of Cameroon and DRC, whether they are still active there or fleeing the area.
The indirect beneficiaries will be the families of health workers who died during the conflict.
Finally, the project will build trade union leadership in the health sector in Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo. It will also provide government and international officials and representatives in the health sector with accurate information on the situation of health workers in these conflict zones.
PSI's affiliate, "la Fédération Syndicale des Employés de la Santé, Pharmacie et Assimilés du Cameroun" (FSESPAC), with the support of PSI, organised meetings with health workers in several towns in Cameroon, including Douala, Yaoundé, Limbé, Kumba, Bamenda and Bafoussam. These meetings, aimed at training health workers in conflict zones, took place between 27 January and 16 February 2024 as part of the "Representing health workers in conflict zones" project funded by FNV.