Oscar Rodríguez León
Project for the Strengthening of Social Dialogue and Quality Public Services within the framework of SDG 8
The project focuses on the promotion of human and labour rights, within the framework of decent work, and quality public services for all in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.
This project, oriented within the framework of the United Nations 2030 agenda, was created so that the governments of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, guarantee compliance with SDG 8 about decent work and economic growth, through existing mechanisms of social dialogue. This project is a component of the regional programme of the Danish Trade Union Agency for Development (DTDA).
The process includes the promotion of quality public services with a rights-based approach, in particular, respect for freedom of association and collective bargaining, with decent work and the reduction of precarious employment being one of its most important priorities, consistent at the same time with the reduction of extreme poverty in these countries. The project focuses on the promotion of human and labour rights, within the framework of decent work, and quality public services for all.
The activities are aimed at strengthening the quality and quantity of PSI affiliates in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras and at developing their organizational and advocacy capacities with a gender and youth focus.