Community Health Workers (CHWs) in Sub-Saharan Africa

PSI wants to promote the improvement of working conditions of Community Health Workers (CHWs) by reaching out to them and their trade unions. This pilot project will seek to motivate them for campaigns that will initiate social dialogue and create a broad workers’ front in the health sector for the elaboration of qualitative public health care for all citizens.

The Role Of Community Health Workers During The Covid-19 Pandemic

This working paper on "The Role Of Community Heath Workers During The Covid-19 Pandemic: A Call For The Recognition And Formalisation Of Community Health Workers As Members Of The Public Health Workforce Across Africa" was commissioned by PSI as part of their ongoing work to fight for the formalisation of CHWs, and for the better working conditions of CHWs.

The Situation of Community Health Workers in Africa

This working paper produced by PSI, implemented in partnership with FNV Mondiaal, is a study to outline available literature in relation to primary healthcare initiatives and the situation of Community Health Workers (CHWs) in Africa.

This project aims to ensure we can increase our knowledge of the situation in the subcontinent related to CHWs and can elaborate a strategy in order to move forward. We also aim to disseminate information in the region on the situation of CHWs.

CHWs are those who will benefit form this project. They are predominantly women workers, who work under poor working conditions, and often for free as ’volunteers’.

Photos: Flickr album