Building trade union capacity to defend human rights of IDPs to quality public services in Nigeria

The objective of the project is to ensure that internally displaced persons (IDPs) are able to fully exercise their human rights through access to quality public services delivered in decent working conditions, and that trade union members in health and social services have increased capacity to represent the interests of workers affected by internal displacement by organizing and campaigning on issues related to internal displacement.


Since the Boko Haram Islamist extremist group attacks against the military and innocent citizens started in 2009 in Nigeria, over 2.5 million people in the northeast have been displaced. Among those displaced are public service workers, including among them, health, and social care workers.

A day in the life of a healthcare worker in a IDP camp in Nigeria

An alarming rise in the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Nigeria over recent years has led to a need to strengthen the capacity of public sector workers in zones often badly affected by violent extremism and terrorism.

IDPs in Nigeria live in very poor and insecure conditions and their access to basic food supplies is very limited. Access to public services, such as shelter, health, education, safe water and sanitation, is a very pressing and urgent concern.

This project seeks to strengthen trade unions’ capacity using, among other key tools, a written guide that provides trade union members with basic knowledge of the human rights of IDPs and how to defend non-discriminatory access to quality public services. Activities under the project include training sessions designed to increase the capacity of trade union members to engage and participate actively as major stakeholders in advocacy, campaigns, policy development and social dialogue on issues pertaining to internal displacement and access to quality public services at all levels.


Since the Boko Haram Islamist extremist group attacks against the military and innocent citizens started in 2009 in Nigeria, over 2.5 million people in the northeast have been displaced. Among those displaced are public service workers, including among them, health, and social care workers.

Quality of healthcare amidst Covid-19 pandemic in IDP Camps in Nigeria

Target beneficiaries of the project are the elected leaders, staff and members of PSI affiliates in the health sector, namely the National Association of Nigerian Nurses and Midwives (NANNM) and the Medical and Health Workers Union of Nigeria (MHWUN) at the national level and in the northeast states, namely Borno and Yobe, which host the highest concentration of IDPs.

Overall, the project will benefit internally displaced persons in Nigeria, including the workers who are themselves internally displaced.


Since the Boko Haram Islamist extremist group attacks against the military and innocent citizens started in 2009 in Nigeria, over 2.5 million people in the northeast have been displaced. Among those displaced are public service workers, including among them, health, and social care workers.

The Human Rights of IDPs to Quality Public Services

IDPs camp in Northeast Nigeria 2020

Since the Boko Haram Islamist extremist group attacks against the military and innocent citizens started in 2009 in Nigeria, over 2.5 million people in the northeast have been displaced. Among those displaced are public service workers, including among them, health, and social care workers.

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Maria Östberg Svanelind, Internationell sekreterare, säger att medlemmarna i Akademikerförbundet SSR är stolta över det globala arbetet som sker i förbundet: – De tycker det är viktigt att vara en del av en global organisation, som visar solidaritet med kollegor i andra delar av världen. Och vi ser ju att utrymmet för facket krymper i många länder. Det är nyttigt för oss att se och bli medvetna om att inget är självklart. Våra engagerade medlemmar är stolta över det vi gör och tror på global solidaritet. Akademikerförbundet SSR är engagerade i fyra utvecklingsprojekt hos Union to Union tillsammans med andra svenska förbund, läs mer om det på vår hemsida

ASSR: Global solidaritet gör medlemmarna stolta
