Young workers in Togo celebrate International Youth Day

On Monday 12th August 2013, the National Youth Committee of the National Federation of Public Service Unions, Togo (Fédération nationale des syndicats des services publics - FENASSEP-TOGO), organised a demonstration to celebrate International Youth Day, bringing together about 200 young workers, who went through the streets of the capital Lomé, on motorbikes and in cars.
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On Monday 12th August 2013, the National Youth Committee of the National Federation of Public Service Unions, Togo (Fédération nationale des syndicats des services publics - FENASSEP-TOGO), organised a demonstration to celebrate International Youth Day.
This demonstration brought together about 200 young workers, who went through the streets of the capital Lomé, on motorbikes and in cars, accompanied by the media.
The demonstration stopped in front of several public administration services, such as water and sanitation and energy and health, making speeches to highlight International Youth Day and quality public services.
In his speech, the President of the Youth Committee from FENASSEP-TOGO, Mr Pirenam Telou, stated: “If the quality of public services is guaranteed, this would avoid young people being confronted with the risks of migration. […] By quality public services, we mean a culture of services that effectively meet the needs of people. These services must be universally accessible, of high quality and have equitable access. To achieve quality public services means a shared responsibility between the main players in the world of work: the employers must provide workers with good conditions, enabling them to carry out their work well (material, logistics and environmental conditions and good wages), and the workers, who should properly perform the work for which they are employed”.
This day was an opportunity for young workers from Togo to make their voices heard and to make Public Services International more visible in their country.