Gas workers in Australia today mark 700 days since beginning a picket against Exxon Mobil & UGL/CIMIC, after the company slashed wages by up to 40%, cut 40 years of hard fought conditions, stripped a number of employee allowances & imposed a stand down clause that will see workers at work, but without pay.
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The case, which was discussed at a recent PSI/CICTAR event in Geneva, highlights how multinationals with dodgy tax practices are also often the worst abusers of workers' rights.
The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union and the workers invovled have made examining the tax practices of the companies involved a key part of their picket-line strategy, even travelling to ExxonMobil's Annual General Meeting in Texas to raise the issue.
Troy Carter, delegate of the AMWU said:
"We cannot let them get away with this & set precedence to do the same thing anywhere else in the world. Standing on a picket line 24 hrs per day, 7 days per week takes a lot of hard work from our members & a lot of support from others. So to thank you for your ongoing support, we have uploaded a small 5 minute video to say an extra special thank you to all those who have (& continue) to support us Internationally. We appreciate each & every single one of you & hope to send you some good news soon."
To follow the campaign and send a message to the workers, follow this link.
The workers on the picket created this video to thank partners across the world for their solidarity and support: