Women Union Leaders Set to Make Impact at UNCSW69

The 69th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW69) will take place in New York from 10 to 21 March. This year, PSI will strongly advocate for the recognition of care as a human right and a public good, trade union rights as women's rights, and trade unions as critical stakeholders in achieving gender equality.

The UNCSW's main focus this year will be evaluating the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BDPA) and reviewing the outcomes of the 23rd special session of the General Assembly. Since the BDPA's adoption, increased privatisation of public services has deepened gender inequality. The private sector has gained greater influence over the UN agenda, using gender equality as a tool for profit.

It is, therefore, crucial to seize this opportunity to amplify PSI's call to RECLAIM public services as the primary equalizer for women and women workers, with a strong focus on rebuilding the social organisation of care and the critical role of women public service workers. As part of this effort, we must stop the entry of PPPs into the global gender equality agenda.

Key Focus Areas

This year PSI will advocate for:

  1. Care as a Human Right and a Public Good

States have the primary responsibility to finance, provide, and regulate care and support systems, ensuring care is recognised as a fundamental right for all. Other actors, including families, communities, and the private sector, must also acknowledge care as a social responsibility.

To achieve this, care workers should be recognised as formal workers, informal care work should be reduced, and unpaid care responsibilities should be redistributed between families and the State through public services. Additionally, paid care work must be valued and rewarded with decent work.

  1. Trade union rights are women’s rights.

Decent work, including freedom of association, collective bargaining, and social dialogue is a fundamental pillar for realising other labour rights. The ILO’s Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, along with key conventions such as C190 and C156, must be prioritised to achieve gender equality.

  1. Trade unions are critical stakeholders in achieving gender equality.

PSI will highlight the vital role unions play in representing women workers' voices and defending their rights in both the world of work and society.

Strategic Advocacy

The PSI delegation, comprising 22 representatives from 14 affiliated unions across Canada, the United States, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Chad, Sierra Leone, Malawi, South Africa, and the United Kingdom, will concentrate its advocacy efforts on strengthening key sections of the Zero Draft text (click here)

Get Involved

We encourage all affiliates to stay engaged with the CSW69 process by contributing to our recently updated UNIONCSW blog at https://unioncsw.world-psi.org/.

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