As the world’s rich elites meet in Davos Unions Join Launch of "Tax The Super Rich" Alliance

The coalition brings together prominent labour groups including the International Trade Union Confederation, PSI along with major NGOs including Greenpeace, Oxfam, Amnesty and more.
Check out the alliance's launch statement below.
Learn more via the Tax The Super Rich website.
There can be no doubt that economic inequality has reached extreme and grotesque levels, as poverty and climate crises escalate. We live in a world where the top 1% own more wealth than 95% of humanity, and where the richest people are the biggest polluters.
The time has come for all governments to make the world’s super rich pay their fair share in taxes.
The existence of extreme wealth and a super-rich elite is costing us all. It is corrupting politics, breaking down social cohesion, undermining democracy, and super-charging climate chaos and environmental destruction. So much wealth and power concentrated in the hands of the few is undermining the ability of governments to invest in public services, social safety nets, decent jobs, or in tackling the poverty, and climate and environmental crises. The richest are profiting while the rest pay an unacceptable price
We know that change is possible. Some governments are showing commitment to taxing the world’s super-rich. But we urgently need a global agreement to increase taxes on the richest 1% - not just on billionaires. This means:
- implementing ambitious tax rates on the richest people that are high enough to reduce inequality
- using revenues raised to invest ending poverty, reducing inequality, and tackling the world's most pressing social and environmental issues
- ensuring global cooperation to curb illicit financial flows that allow the super-rich to evade tax responsibility
- shifting decision-making on taxation to a fair and globally inclusive forum, ensuring that all countries - particularly poorer ones - have an equal voice
The public are demanding change. Economists are pushing for it. Many millionaires are calling for governments to tax them more. And these demands are not going away.
We will not rest until governments take action to tax the super-rich, eliminate extreme inequality, and invest in a positive future for people and planet.