Trade unions demand a social dimension to BRICS

Public Services International (PSI), CSPB and CONDSEF organized the first BRICS Cycle of Debates in Brasilia, 8-10 August 2013, bringing together trade union organizations of public sector workers affiliated to PSI from Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa, with the participation of representatives from China, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Honduras, Peru, Paraguay and Colombia.

They discussed the negative impact of trade agreements on public sector workers and quality public services for all. Trade unions demand a social dimension to BRICS that will lead to the globalization of rights as a common goal among the member nations. To that end, BRICS public sector trade unions will propose the creation of platform for the participation of workers similar to what already exists for the participation of business entrepreneurs.
There is also a need to promote more bilateral exchange activities between public sector unions of the BRICS countries, enabling a better understanding of the different realities of the diverse countries. In these exchanges, the position should be advanced that the agreements made among BRICS countries should not reproduce the negative aspects of trade agreements determined by the dominant countries, and should not establish negative clauses to workers’ rights and the common good. Participants are committed to improved coordination and joint activities, such as the BRICS Trade Union Forum planned for March 2014 in Fortaleza.
Videos: The CSPB News Special Edition on the BRICS Cycle of Debates