Swaziland police fire on peaceful protesters

Police fired on peacefully protesting public sector trade union members on 12 july 2012, resulting in hospitalisation and injuries to at least 12 persons.

The repression of peaceful protest is a fundamental abuse of human rights. PSI has written a letter of protest to the King of Swaziland calling on him to open immediate negotiations with public sector unions – the Swaziland National Association of Civil Servants (SNACS), Swaziland Nurses Association (SNA) and Swaziland National Association of Teachers (SNAT) – to realise the fair and reasonable demand of a 4.5% wage rise.

The continued denial of democratic, human and trade union rights in Swaziland only further exacerbates the country’s economic decline and isolation. PSI will continue to work with our affiliates and allies worldwide in demanding democracy and human rights become fully realised in Swaziland.