South Africa: Sam Molope reelected as president of SAMWU
Representing over 160.000 members, the South African Municipal Workers’ Union (SAMWU) held their 10th national congress from 7 to 10 August.
In his speech, president Sam Molope called attention to the continuous struggle of South African workers:
"While we acknowledge the changes after 1994, the struggle for the working class continued without pause
The following is our observation:
1.Unemployment has increased from 38% to 45%
2.Uneplyoyment of youth has reached shocking results in fact about 400 000 of youth after completing grade 12 every year are not employed nor enrolled in any institutions of higher learning.
3.Casualization and labour Brokering is increasing day by day, we thought we won that battle in Polokwane the reality remains, that labour brokers are more stronger than before. The changing of the terminology is not going to free our own people.
4. Comrades more than 45% of our population survive on special grants.
5. The research shows that the quality of education has dropped and employers are not prepared to train workers.
6. Cheap labour is the order the day, mostly in the chain stores and call centres.
7. Safety in the workplace is highly compromised and many workers are dying in the mines.
8. The life expectancy has dropped below 50 years.This Congress takes place at a point in time when corruption, nepotism and maladministration are creating disorder in the Local Government sector."
Read more news from Samwu here.