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Serious attacks on pensions for UK firefighters

Firefighters in the UK are currently facing serious attacks on their occupational pensions. The government wants firefighters to pay higher pension contributions, work at least five years longer and then receive lower pension benefits.
The Fire Brigades Union (FBU), which represents over 80% of uniformed firefighters in the UK, is campaigning to defend and improve these pension schemes. After union campaigning, the UK government has agreed to review its proposals this year.
With the support of the EPSU firefighters' network, the FBU is now doing research on pensions in other European countries to get a better understanding of the conditions firefighters face.
The findings will be shared with fellow trade unions through the EPSU firefighters’ network once the research is completed.
For further information, please contact Paul Hampton at FBU head office:
M: +44 7740403240
T: +44 2084811511