Remembering former PSI President and AFSCME Treasurer Bill Lucy

This week, as AFSCME honours Bill Lucy's legacy with a memorial celebration in Washington, D.C, we look back on how Bill's internationalism shaped our global labour movement.

Born in Memphis, Tennessee in 1933, Bill began his activism in the 1960s, marching alongside Martin Luther King Jr. and becoming a crucial figure in the U.S. anti-apartheid movement. As founder of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, Lucy emerged as a powerful voice for racial equity in the labour movement.

During his eight-year mandate as PSI President (1994–2002) and 38 years as AFSCME secretary-treasurer, Lucy championed workers' rights and social justice internationally. As the first African American president of PSI, Lucy was responsible for establishing our Committee to Combat Racism, Xenophobia and All Forms of Discrimination.

From the Memphis sanitation strike to the fight against South African apartheid, Lucy fearlessly led seemingly impossible battles - and prevailed.


As AFSCME honours Bill Lucy's legacy with a memorial celebration in Washington, D.C, we look back on how Bill's internationalism shaped our global labour movement.

Remembering former PSI President Bill Lucy

PSI General Secretary Daniel Bertossa told the DC memorial service : "Winning in Memphis seemed impossible. Ending apartheid seemed impossible. Until it wasn't. Bill showed we should never doubt the powerful combination of workers' struggle, moral outrage and solidarity to change the world for the better."

Lucy's influence reached far beyond America's borders. His work proved crucial in the global campaign to free Nelson Mandela. In South Africa, he shared civil rights strategies with union members, earning praise from former COSATU General Secretary Jay Naidoo for his "Mandela-like quality" and inspirational leadership.

His warning at the 1997 PSI Congress in Yokohama, Japan about threats to workers, public services, and democracy from predatory capitalism resonates strongly today.

Bill Lucy's spirit lives on wherever workers unite and fight for justice, showing us that solidarity, moral conviction, and collective action can truly transform the world.

Bill In his own words

Workers from PSI Unions pay tribute to Bill


Bill Lucy Remembered - Rosa Pavanelli (Former PSI General Secretary)


Bill Lucy remembered

Bill Lucy Remembered - Baba Aye (Nigeria)


Bill Lucy remembered

Bill Lucy Remembered - Annie Geron (PSLINK, Philippines)