PSI Shapes Historic Vatican Tax Justice Summit

PSI led the global labour delegation at a high-level Vatican Tax summit, joining forces with Presidents, Nobel laureates, and prominent economists to demand urgent international tax reform.

The Vatican Summit, held in collaboration with the Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation (ICRICT) which PSI co-chairs, highlighted the vital role of trade unions in the movement for international tax reform.

PSI General Secretary Daniel Bertossa spoke at the summit alongside Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Spanish President Pedro Sánchez, Economist Jayati Ghosh and Nobel laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz.

Bertossa said: "When the rich refuse to pay tax, Their wealth is deployed to tip the scales away from working people. That’s why PSI & the 200 million people of the global labour movement are committed to tax justice."

Daniel Bertossa PSI General Secretary

"When the rich refuse to pay tax, their wealth is deployed to tip the scales away from working people."

Pedro Sanchez President of Spain

Do we govern global taxation. Or do we let the wealthy few govern us?

To find out more about how unions are shaping the global tax justice movement, check out the Network of Unions for Tax Justice