PSI No Recruitment Fees Campaign in Nigeria

The launching culminates the two-day public symposium organised by the PSI Migration Project National Working Group, representing all PSI affiliates in Nigeria, namely: NANNM, MHWUN, NULGE, NASU, NUEE, NCSU, NAAT, AUPCTRE, AEUN and JUSUN.
Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) President Ayuba Wabba keynoted the launching event by emphasizing the importance of defending the human and trade union rights of migrant workers. “Abolishing the policy and practice of charging recruitment fees on migrant workers will go a long way in addressing the various forms of exploitation, precariousness and bonded labour faced by migrant workers,” says Wabba. “Recruitment must be done in a fair and ethical manner, in respect of international norms and labour standards, and applies to all workers here in Nigeria or as they work abroad,” he adds.
The symposium was well-attended and benefited from various panel presentations and exchange of views on the issues of labour migration, recruitment practices and respect for migrant workers’ rights. Strategies were discussed on the role of public service trade unions in organising, advocacy and social dialogue on migration issues but also equally in defending quality public services and winning workers’ rights in Nigeria, so that migration becomes a choice and not a necessity. Data from the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Health reveals that in 2016 alone, 11,799 nurses have left Nigeria to work overseas. The symposium ended with the signing of the Manifesto for Fair and Ethical Recruitment by trade union leaders, civil society partners and government agencies present in the meeting.
PSI is campaigning globally to abolish the policy and practice of charging recruitment fees on migrant workers. For more information, see, #NoRecruitmentFees