Solidarity PSI meets with the Global Networks of Workers in Informal Employment

A delegation of 25 representatives from the global networks, StreetNet International (StreetNet), HomeNet International (HomeNET), International Domestic Workers Federation (IDWF), International Alliance of Waste Pickers (IAW) and Women in Informal Employment: Globalising and Organising (WIEGO) met with PSI General Secretary Daniel Bertossa and policy staff at the PSI Headquarters in Ferney-Voltaire
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Genevieve Gencianos
On 7 June, a delegation of 25 representatives from the global networks, StreetNet, HomeNET, IDWF, IAW and WIEGO met with PSI General Secretary Daniel Bertossa and policy staff at the PSI Headquarters to exchange information and priorities in advocacy, organising, and representation for workers employed in the informal economy, such as domestic workers, home-based workers, waste pickers and street vendors.
The majority of these workers are women, migrant workers and racialised workers who are often excluded from labour and social protections.
The delegation is in Geneva for the 112th International Labour Conference (ILC), particularly following the ILC General Discussion on Decent Work and the Care Economy. The two female community health workers representing PSI affiliates HEVON and NEVA in Nepal who are also attending the ILC, joined the meeting and shared the examples of how PSI is organising community health workers and fighting for their formal recognition as workers, not volunteers.
PSI and the global networks agreed on strengthening solidarity among all workers and their unions in organising in both formal and informal work, and to continue fighting for human and labour rights protection for all.
At the ILC Discussion, they agreed to support PSI’s call to defend public care systems from privatisation, defending care as a human right and a public good. At its World Congress in October 2023, PSI adopted a resolution supporting solidarity and decent work for domestic workers.