PSI Executive Board calls for Urgent TRIPS Waiver!

PSI's executive board members and attendees took part in our global day of action for a WTO patent waiver on Covid-19 vaccines and supplies.

Here, they share their thoughts and demands for change!

Michael Whaites: No Nurse or Midwife is Safe Until All of Us Are Safe

Jan Willem Goudriaan, EPSU: Switzerland, the UK and the EU’s refusal to support frontline workers through a TRIPS waiver of patents on vaccines and treatments is an insult to their sacrifice. The threats posed by omicron show that a waiver now isn’t just urgent – it's essential.

Jan Hochadel, AFT: New variants, new lockdowns, new deaths - and all because of insufficient vaccine access made worse by pharma patents. If Germany, Switzerland, the UK and the European Commision continue to put pharma profits ahead of people's lives, we will hold them accountable for new variants, new lockdowns and new deaths.

Youngbae Chang: All barriers to vaccine production must be immediately removed - it’s time for the EU to finally stop blocking the TRIPS waiver.

Jocelio Drummond: Vacina para todos e todas já!

Maddy Northam, CPSU Australia: Workers cannot be safe until we ALL have access to vaccines.

Aurore Capelier: no one is safe until everyone is safe

Boubacar Bobaoua: Tout notre soutien

Kjartan Lund: No one is safe until everyone is safe! TRIPS-waiver now!

Gianluigi Lopes: no one is safe until everyone is safe

Everline Aketch: we need TRIPS waiver to allow for equal access for all population of the world including Africa

Nicoletta Grieco: #EU is blocking #TRIPSWaiver proposal at @wto,which would make tools against #COVID19 more affordable. Ask @eu_commission 🇪🇺 to change position. Let's not prolong the pandemic!

Anna Perttula: All barriers to vaccine production must be immediately removed - it’s time for the EU to finally stop blocking the TRIPS waiver.

Wiebke Koerlin: mehr von uns ist besser für alle

Frédérique Landas, CGT FRANCE: Levée des brevets ! Stop à l'apartheid sur les vaccins !

Hanna-Mari Anttila-Kvåle: Ingen er sikker før alle er sikret🙏

Euan Gibb - PSI: No one is safe until everyone is safe! TRIPS-waiver now!

Tichaona Fambisa: No one is safe until everyone is safe

Gaynelle Samuel, PCS UK: The UK must no longer put big-pharmaceutical corporations, who are making obscene profits on this pandemic, ahead of frontline workers. TRIPS Waiver now.

Daria Cibrario: Stop protecting corporate profit - make vaccines and life saving drugs available to all as a public good - that is what they are for

Andrea Sierra: Vacunas para todos ya!!!!!

Elida Cruz - ISP: Vacina para todos, todas e todes!

Junéia Batista: Vacina para todos e todas!!! Segurança para quem trabalha na linha de frente da COVID

Juan Diego Gómez Vasquez: Las vacunas un derecho para todxs. Liberen la propiedad intelectual de la producción de vacunas YA.

Chris Runge-Chacko AFT: No one is safe until everyone is safe.

Mette Nord: Alle må få tilgang til vaksiner nå!

Karin Brunzell: we stand together

GEICI MAIARA BRIG: No tenemos derecho a huir de la pelea, ¡y ciertamente es mucho más liviano cuando resistimos juntas y juntos!

Maria Ostberg Svanelind, ASSR, Sweden: No one is safe until everyone is safe!

Lawson-Oloukounle Nadou: solidarité avec la vaccination pour tous dans le monde entier, la covid19 n'a pas de frontières libérez les vaccins.

Boris Plesa: We stand together

Genevieve Gencianos: Full and universal access for Everyone! TRIPS Waiver NOW!!!

JOAO GAMA: levée de la propriété sur les vaccins

Veronika Tober: Niemand ist sicher, solange nicht alle sicher sind.

Eveliina Petälä/JHL: No one is safe until everyone is safe. TRIPS Waiver Now!

Erin Polaczuk NZPSA: Universal access to treatment and vaccinations for Covid for all workers, everywhere! Support the TRIPs waiver

Cedric Depollier: You can't fight a pandemic by leaving people behind without protection. Vaccines for all!

V.Narasimhan AINLIEF-INDIA: No one is safe until everyone is vaccinated and safe

Rosa Pavanelli: The world needs TRIPS waiver now! Those who are blocking are killing people and the recovery

Nayareth Quevedo: No al bloqueo de la propiedad intelectual de las vacunas. Necesitamos que las vacunas sean universales, accesibles y gratuitas para todxs!!!

Federico Dávila Vicepresidente ISP UPCN ARGENTINA: Basta de lucro con la pandemia! Responsabilidad social!! y justicia!!

María de Lourdes Zea Rosales: Vacunas para todas y todos!!!!

MARK HANCOCK: No one is safe until everyone is vaccinated and safe

Annie Enriquez Geron-PSLINK-Asia Pacific: Vaccine democracy and equity now!

Najwa Hanna: together for the right to vaccine for everyone... Access to vaccine for Human rights and not for profit

Steve Porter - PSI: Saving lives requires putting people over profits!

MARIA ISABEL BERON: Vacunas para todos¡¡¡ Solidaridad y gratuidad - Isabel Beron - APOC - Argentina

Nicoletta Grieco: Stop vaccine inequities! We need #TRIPSwaiver now!

ARTURO RUIZ TRHAMPPE: vacunas para todos, solidaridad en el mundo

Monika Wipplinger: No one is safe until everyone is safe. TRIPS Waiver Now!

Daniel Bertossa: Trade rules should never stop people getting vaccines. Health is a public good not an opportunity for multinational companies to make money.

Denise Motta Dau: #TripsWaiver Liberar os direitos de propriedade intelectual já, para salvar vidas!

Oscar Rodriguez: "Queremos vacunas para todas y todos. No más protección de la propiedad intelectual de vacunas". El mundo ya aprendió la lección sobre esta protección que tienen las grandes corporaciones mundiales de la industria farmacéutica.

Flávia Nozue: #vacinaparatodastodostodes

Sonia Sanchez (PSI): All barriers to vaccine production must be immediately removed - it’s time for the EU to finally stop blocking the TRIPS waiver.

Irene Khumalo WOC Chair: Access to vaccines for everyone. TRIPS WAIVER NOW!!!!!!

Herbert Beck, Verdi: No one is safe until everyone is safe. Trips Waiver now. Stop your blockade Germany!

Check out PSI and our affiliates in the news across the world for a TRIPS

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