Pre-decision kit

Public Services International (PSI) and its affiliated unions have prepared this kit to provide basic information on the facts, realities and issues concerning migration in the health sector. It is designed to help potential migrant health workers make an informed choice and to support unions that wish to assist health workers in making the right decisions

PSI recognises the rights of individuals to migrate, whether temporarily or permanently, while considering that this decision should be based on equal opportunity for quality health care employment in their own country. PSI acknowledges the positive aspects of migration, but is increasingly concerned about the negative impacts on health care systems in developing countries, and its impact on health care workers.

Women, who comprise the majority of the world’s health care workers, face the double burden as users of diminishing health services and as low paid workers in health sector employment. Many mi¬grant health workers have experienced gender and racial discrimination, or have fallen prey to unscrupulous recruit¬ers and employers. However this is not to underestimate the power of women as health care providers, breadwinners and decision makers. Women migrant workers send home half of the world’s remittances that flow to the develop¬ing countries. In 2005, the World Bank estimated remittance flows to develop¬ing countries at US$167 billion, most of which was used by the migrants’ families to meet basic needs such as food, educa¬tion, health care and housing.

The main objective of this kit is to pro¬mote workers’ rights by providing women health care workers with proper information, so they can make informed decisions and actively engage in union activities which improve workers’ lives.