Health care workers Peru: Health workers announce indefinite national strike starting Oct. 10
On June 13, 2023, the FED-CUT and other trade union organizations signed an agreement with the Peruvian Ministry of Labor to receive a "settlement bonus" amounting to 5,500 soles. However, they denounced that, due to the interference of the Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento de la Actividad Empresarial del Estado (Fonafe), EsSalud (Peruvian Social Security Institution) now intends to disregard the agreement and has requested a renegotiation.
This is a fact that the FED-CUT - a PSI affiliate - strongly rejects, as it is a benefit resulting from a negotiation. In view of this, the federation announced an indefinite national strike for October 10.
In this sense, Public Services International (PSI) requests the government of Peru to comply with the Bono de Cierre de Pliego for all EsSalud workers and the immediate solution to the collective bargaining process with the unions representing these workers.