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#peopleoverprofit Opening Message to SEASRAC 2023

Dear Co-chairs, Sister Annie Geron and Bro Sanjeev Tiwari, Sis Kate Lappin, Asia Pacific Regional Secretary, Bro Ian Mariano, Southeast Asia Sub-regional Secretary, Brothers and sisters in unions from Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia, greetings and solidarity to you all,
In the name of PSI affiliates in Indonesia, I would like to express my appreciation and honour for the opportunity given to us to be the host of the 25th Southeast Asia Sub-Regional Advisory Committee.
It is the silver jubilee of the advisory committee meeting of this sub-regional.
We are glad that being the host of the SEASRAC meeting provides us with an opportunity to unite and intensify the Indonesian PSI affiliates meeting.
Therefore, I would also like to express my gratitude to bro Muhammad Abrar Ali for his leadership in NCC Chair Indonesia together with sis Evi Krisnawati.
This year, 2023, is an important year for PSI. PSI will hold its 31st Congress in Geneva in October. All affiliates are enthusiastically looking forward to participating and sending their delegation to the Congress.
The Congress’ theme “People Over Profit” has a profound meaning that we have to prioritize the people rather than profit making. Certainly, the theme is very much in line with our philosophy in public sector.
However, we are facing tremendous challenges now and, in the future, especially in the process of global and national economic recovery post-covid 19.
Moreover, in this process, workers many times become the victim of policies. To name one, in Indonesia, the Employment Creation Law or also known as Omnibus Law. The enforcement of this Law does not only create adverse impact on labour sector, but in all sectors, such as health and electricity.
People Over Profit. This is exactly what we envisioned when we rejected the Employment Creation Law. We thought that this law prioritizes the investment and capitalists, while at the same time, degrades workers’ and peoples’ rights by opening the investment doors widely in all sectors.
JEMMY PONGOH, General Chairman of SP Angkasa Pura & Chair of PSI NCC Indonesia
The Indonesian labour movement, including trade unions PSI affiliates, fought to cancel the Employment Creation Law through litigation and non-litigation struggle, by filing a judicial review to the Constitutional court and protesting.
But it will not be enough. The international support and solidarity have enabled this issue to gain attention from workers all over the world.
The Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendation of the International Labour Organization highlights the dynamics of the Employment Creation Law. Including several articles that jeopardize trade unions’ right to negotiate and bargain.
We thanked that our effort and with support from the ITUC and Global Unions Federations and our brothers and sisters from international trade unions made us possible to put complaints on the workers and trade unions rights in Indonesia on short list of the International Labour Conference (ILC) this year.
The ILO requested the Indonesian Government to accommodate and listen to the workers’ aspirations, to review and reform the law.
The ILO requested the Indonesian Government to accommodate and listen to the workers’ aspirations, to review and reform the law.
People Over Profit. This is exactly what we envisioned when we rejected the Employment Creation Law. We thought that this law prioritizes the investment and capitalists, while at the same time, degrades workers’ and peoples’ rights by opening the investment doors widely in all sectors. The investment that only harm the people instead of benefiting them.
In addition to the Employment Creation law, we also highlight the Health Draft Bill. The process of this draft is similar to the employment creation law, using omnibus law system.
The latest draft removes the obligation for the state to allocate health budget at least five percent from the overall State Budget as regulated by article 171 (1) Chapter Health Finance of Law No. 36 of 2009 on Health.
This draft also deletes the regional government’s obligation to allocate at least 10 percent of its regional budget for health excludes payroll, as regulated by article 171 (2) of the same law.
The consequence of those removal is that the government will lose its responsibility over health services which is the right of the people. In turn, there will be liberalization of health sector. Including the acknowledgement of the rights of the health workers in Indonesia.
I trully hope that the SEASRAC meeting will run smoothly and we will have an intense and dynamic discussion. We believe that building a strong organization with PSI and its affiliates will be able to materilize the “People over Profit”, to actualize the equal social justice and welfare for all.