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Sub-Saharan Africa Leadership training and launch of research report
PSI affiliates organising in the electricity, water and waste sector met on 18 May 2021 in Kampala, Uganda, to launch the research on mappings of civil society, International Financing Institutions (IFIs) and private sector actors, as well as a survey on public perceptions of privatization and Public-Private-Partnerships (PPPs), and to undertake leadership training.
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Everline Aketch
This meeting was organised as part of the PSI project "Promoting Transparency and Decent Work in Supply Chains in Electricity, Water and Waste Services in Sub-Sahara Africa" implemented in partnership with the German Trade Union Confederation DGB BW.
In the first session of the meeting, the research report commissioned by PSI and DGB was launched. The lead researcher Prof. Nuwagaba Alfred provided an overview of the research outcome. This included the challenges of PPPs in relation to accessibility and affordability to the general population. The report noted that PPPs do not achieve the social contract between the Government and her citizen due to its profit maximization aim. In addition, lack of transparency, corruption, and non-involvement of citizens in the PPPs process was cited. The meeting was graced with the presence of 10 media houses including both print and cable networks.
PSI calls for the cancellation of a concession with Uganda’s power distributor UMEME following a report released by the Global Union Federation. #NBSUpdates #NBSLiveat9 subscribe to our channel today. bit.ly/NextMediaUG Download the app on iOS: bit.ly/nbstvapp Android: bit.ly/nbstvandroid Follow Us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/nbstv Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nbstelevision/ Youtube
The fate of UMEME
Affiliates who participated in the debate observed that PPPs had made electricity access quite expensive and unaffordable to the majority of the population. Lack of access to electricity was having a direct impact on climate change and the population resort to fossil fuel as well as deforestation as an alternative source of fuel, which has a significant impact on the climate. Government was encouraged to terminate the concession with UMEME at the end of 2025 when the contract expires. Lessons from the National Water and sewerage corporation could be used in the renationalization process of electricity.
In terms of the waste sector, affiliates encouraged the Government to put in place a system that will empower the cities, municipalities and local government to manage waste rather than outsource it. The launch of the report was covered by various local media, including the public opinion poll by PSI affiliates’ recommendations to end the concession with UMEME.
Labour Unions have joined hands to call for the cancellation of a concession with utility service provider Umeme Ltd, four years ahead of its expiry in 2025. The unions believe the distributor does not have the motivation to reduce the currently high electricity tariff, as they are more interested in ploughing back profits. #NTVNews #NTVTonight #NTVWeekendEdition Subscribe to Our Channel For more news visit http://www.ntv.co.ug Follow us on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/ntvuganda Connect with us on Messenger via m.me/NTVUganda
More voices want agreement UMEME concession terminated
In the second session, the trade union leaders were taken through the qualities of good leadership within the context of successful project implementation, including coalition building to achieve effective project implementation.