Imminent nationwide strike in Togo as health workers demand government to address healthcare challenges

Health workers in Togo have, for the second time in January 2018, gone on a sit-down strike to further mount pressure on the government to come to the discussion table with them to deliberate on issues affecting proper healthcare provision in the country.

The workers are, among other things, aggrieved that basic requirements for the effective administration of healthcare have been neglected, and call on the government to act.  

This time around, their message is as simple as it gets: "Call us for talks towards resolving these pertinent issues by Wednesday 31 January or we will embark on a full-blown strike." Weeks ago, the aggrieved health workers embarked on the first set of sit-down strikes, calling on the government to address the ailing state of their health system as well as address the living conditions of their members who run around the clock daily to provide the best health services to their patients. 

Read background story here.

Days after, they returned to work but vowed that it was not the last of their intensive demands towards health authorities to give them a listening ear and help make health services in Togo better. 

On 24 January 2018, for hours, the workers again pulled on their working gears but only to gather in front of the main administration of the hospital to deliberate and agree on their next major line of action - a full-blown strike. 


Togo strikeTogo strike

Togo strikeTogo strike

Togo strikeTogo strike 
