Hurricanes ETA and IOTA

The devastating hurricanes ETA and IOTA - which hit countries of Central America, Colombia, the Caribbean and the USA - are related to climate and extreme weather events that become more frequent and intense, as the temperature increases due to the uncontrolled emission of greenhouse gases.

At the meeting of the PSI Executive Board 155, held on 18 and 19 November 2020, it was agreed to send the following declaration of solidarity with the affiliates of the countries of Central America, Colombia, the Caribbean and the USA due to the natural disaster caused by the passage of hurricanes ETA and IOTA in these countries.

Aware that the current climate conditions and global heating in recent decades cause temperature variations that result in increasingly frequent and aggressive hurricane zones on the planet,

That the devastating hurricanes ETA and IOTA are related to climate and extreme weather events that become more frequent and intense, as the temperature increases due to the uncontrolled emission of greenhouse gases,

Concerned that the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change, which requires that final heating be kept “well below” 2°C, is far from being met, let alone maintained at a 1.5°C increase,

We demand from governments and world governance a more effective policy against the climate crisis and global heating, largely the responsibility of multinational corporations and global capital whose ideological current opposes the explanation of global warming as caused by the uncontrolled mega industrial activities,

In view of this, we are in solidarity with the countries affected by these recent atmospheric phenomena which caused dozens of deaths and the evacuation and displacement of thousands of people, whose homes and small agricultural areas were completely destroyed,

At the same time, we extend our greatest recognition to all those public workers who, from different scenarios, were in the front lines during these natural disasters.