In December, the UN General Assembly approved a landmark agreement to work on a UN Global Tax treaty. Since then, governments have been negotiating the form the treaty will take.
Now, thanks to tireless campaigning by trade unions and civil society, states have agreed that treaty negotiations must address tax avoidance by the super-wealthy and corporations. This is a big win against corporate lobbyists, who wanted to gut the talks of real content.
The final treaty, expected to be adopted in 2027, must give governments the tools they need to claw back the billions lost to tax avoidance. This is money that should be going to pay for schools, hospitals and development, not lining the pockets of billionaires.
Daniel Bertossa PSI General Secretary

The fight for fair tax for all will go on, at the UN and on the streets, until corporations and the super-rich start pulling their weight and pay what they owe.
Public service workers in every country have something to gain from fixing the global tax system. Corporates and the rich must pay more to fund public services and the essential workers who deliver them. This can only be fixed for everyone if it’s done at a global level.
Public service workers will keep pushing our governments to agree an ambitious treaty that will end the scandal of tax avoidance once and for all. Find out how your union can join the fight at Network of Unions for Tax Justice.
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