Global Unions Joint Statement Global Compact on Migration: Uphold migrant workers’ rights, access to justice and decent work
On May 17-20, the First Global Review of the UN Global Compact on Migration will take place at the United Nations, in New York. The Labour Movement puts forward a clear demand to Member States gathering in New York:“Respect the right to self-association and collective bargaining of migrant workers regardless of migration status, and without fear of reprisal!”
Genevieve Gencianos
On the eve of the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF), which will gather Member States, UN system representatives and stakeholders for the first global review of the UN Global Compact on Migration four years after its adoption, the Council of Global Unions (CGU), which represents more than 200 million workers across the world, assesses the achievements of the Compact while putting forward its key demands centered on human and labour rights, decent work, quality public services, social dialogue and social justice.
Throughout the world, trade unions are mobilising and leveraging the agency of migrant workers to organise and exercise their fundamental human and labour rights. In a CGU Shadow Report published today “Organising for Justice”, the Council of Global Unions illustrates examples of the work carried out at local, national, regional and global levels to promote the objectives of the UN Global Compact on Migration. The report highlights the vital role of the labour movement in defending and promoting the fundamental human and labour rights of all migrants, regardless of status. It gives visibility to a wide range of actions at local, national, regional and global levels that promote the objectives of the UN Global Compact on Migration to ensure that human rights, decent work, and social justice remain as pillars of the Compact’s implementation strategy. It shows that States need to shift priorities and approaches to meet the needs and demands of workers.
The global pandemic has laid bare the need for sweeping changes to fix the economy and political systems that are failing workers. The global labour movement has responded with a clarion call for a new social contract that ensures equality, inclusivity, safe and healthy workplaces, climate friendly jobs, rights for all workers, and universal social protection.
Coherent, rights-based migration governance is an essential part of the larger structural change.
Support the international trade union movement’s call by asking your government to commit to the legally binding ILO international labour standards, to ratify the ILO conventions on migration and to incorporate them into national laws and policies.
Download and disseminate the Labour Movement's Report to the First Global Review of the UN Global Compact on Migration "Organising for Justice: Trade Union Actions in Defence of the Human and Labour Rights of All Migrants, 2022, Council of Global Unions".
Download and disseminate the Labour’s Position of the 2022 International Migration Review Forum Progress Declaration.