Gender identity: An introductory guide for trade union reps supporting trans members

This guide is for UNISON workplace reps supporting trans UNISON members at work. It gives a background to what it means to be trans followed by practical advice on common workplace issues.

UNISON and the Scottish Transgender Alliance have produced this guide for union reps supporting trans members. For many reps this may be their first experience of dealing with trans equality. The guide gives a background to what it means to be trans followed by practical advice on common workplace issues. This guide can be read alongside UNISON’s factsheet Transgender Workers Rights, which gives further information on the law and key negotiating points.

Trans workers face high levels of prejudice and discrimination: UNISON is committed to tackling this discrimination and building equality. Everyone has the right to work with dignity and respect and to contribute to the workforce to their full ability.

In UNISON, trans members organise with lesbian, gay and bisexual members, locally and nationally.

Download a PDF of the full guide.

Also see UNISON Factsheets on Lesbian, gay and bisexual workers rights, Bisexuality - a trade union guide and Transgender Workers' Rights