France: CGT calls for action in the fight against violence at work

On 25 November, PSI affiliate in France, the CGT Mining and Energy Federation, calls on unions to challenge management to include the issue of violence in company agreements.

We have called on the unions to call on management to include the subject of violence in company agreements: for a real prevention of violence (awareness raising for all employees, training for all managers and staff representatives, resources for violence referents in companies) and a real protection of victims and their right to work (sanctions for aggressors, coverage of legal costs if victims of violence in the workplace, for victims of domestic violence rights for administrative procedures, reorganisation of the workload, help with transfer, prohibition of dismissal to preserve financial autonomy and social ties in the company).

A demonstration took place in cities across France on 20 November called by trade union organisations, the #NousToutes movement and all CGT federations.

CGT confederal actions : 


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