EPSU’s Local and Regional Government sector Standing Committee re-elects presidential team

The  European Public Service Union (EPSU) Local and Regional Government (LRG) sector Standing Committee met in Brussels for the first time with a renewed composition after the recently held EPSU Congress in Bucharest.

On 17 October the 63rd European Public Service Union (EPSU) Local and Regional Government (LRG) sector Standing Committee (SC) met in Brussels for the first time with a renewed composition after last June’s EPSU Congress in Bucharest, Romania. The newly formed Standing Committee includes new and old representatives from EPSU and PSI LRG affiliates and elected its President and three Vice-Presidents according to the internal rules for EPSU sectors. Also, following the EPSU Congress the EPSU LRG Sector Policy Officer role will now be carried out by Pablo Sánchez Centellas. The presidential team of the previous term was confirmed as follows:

  • Eva-Lotta Nilsson, Vision, Sweden as President (center in the picture below)

  • Christian Jedinger, Younion, Austria as Vice-President  (right in the picture below)

  • Matthieu Fayolle, Interco CFDT, France, as Vice-President  (left in the picture below)

  • Joana Mor Biosca, UGT-SP, Spain, as Vice-President

The EPSU LRG SC discussed and approved contents for the new sectoral work plan in line with the EPSU Plan of Action 2024-2028 adopted in Bucharest, which will include a focus on quality jobs for quality public services (QPS); reclaiming and remunicipalising services; green jobs in the LRG sector; a strong focus on occupational health and safety (OSH); socially responsible procurement; social dialogue with LRG employers; and tackling the housing crisis as a union issue.

PSI and EPSU LRG sectors have a long-standing collaboration and work closely mutualizing and cross-fertilising activities and priorities, which are much aligned with PSI’s sectoral action plan of the PSI Global LRG Network 2023-2028 “Building the Future of Local Public Services”. The PSI LRG Policy Officer provided an update of PSI LRG global work and engaged leaders to contribute and take part in PSI activities and actions, including the 12th World Urban Forum (WUF) organised by UN-Habitat in Cairo, Egypt, next November and the second part of the International Labour Conference(ILO) standard-setting committee on biological hazards in the work environment that will come up in June 2025 at the International Labour Conference (ILC).