Statement on Gaza EB-164 resolves to take solidarity actions in support of health workers in Gaza

The Israeli-Hamas war is taking a huge toll on lives, work, and public services in Gaza. More than 12,000 people have been killed including 5,000 children and over 20,000 have also been injured since the bombing began. The dead include over 160 health care workers on duty, according to the World Health Organization, and 102 international aid workers according to the United Nations.
Infrastructures for public services delivery have been devastated and over 1.7 million people have now been displaced in one of the most densely populated areas in the world.
PSI welcomes the recent announcement of a temporary ceasefire and prisoner/ hostage exchange and urges the parties to continue to look for diplomatic solutions. PSI Executive Board demands protection for those workers who will continue to work as employees in public services; healthcare, water and energy, education, and other key sectors. In addition, the Geneva Convention on the wounded, sick, and civilians must be respected.
PSI notes that the PSI Arab Countries Health Sector Network has appealed for support and action from PSI and other affiliates. PSI has received numerous requests from affiliates seeking ways to help and provide solidarity actions for health workers and hospitals in Gaza.
Considering the foregoing, and in line with Resolutions 32 and 48 of the 31st World Congress, PSI Executive Board resolves to:
Condemn war crimes committed by both sides and call on the international community and the United Nations to do everything to protect the security of public service workers.
Hold an online affiliates’ meeting to hear from PSI affiliates in Gaza about the conditions of healthcare workers, and hear the calls from our affiliates in the Arab countries sub-region for help and solidarity with securing medicines, medical supplies, relief materials and volunteers for Gaza.
Coordinate with the ILO and WHO, and all other relevant international organisations and countries to provide relief.
Call for the respect of the United Nations Resolution for the adoption of a two-state solution, leading to a sustainable peace, and for democratic, independent, and secure Palestinian and Israeli states, that provide quality public services to their citizens.