Enacting ILO Convention 151 Bill on Public Sector Labor Relations gains approval at the Committee in PH Congress
On May 31, 2023, the Philippine Affiliates showed up in full force at the House of Representatives (Lower house of Congress) of the Philippines to attend the committee hearing on the Public Services Labour Relations Bill (also known as House Bill No. 1513).
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Ian Mariano
On May 31, 2023, the Philippine Affiliates showed up in full force at the House of Representatives of the Philippines to attend the committee hearing on the Public Services Labour Relations Bill (also known as House Bill No. 1513). The PSI affiliates manifested their common position on the proposed bills before the members of the Committee. Sister Annie Enriquez Geron, on behalf of the PSI affiliates, explained the wisdom and intent of the proposed legislation bill as well as how the public sector workers collectively decided on every provision of the bill. Despite some reservations from the representative of the Civil Service Commission, the Committee overwhelmingly approved the measure. The affiliates are preparing to level up its campaign as the proposed bill will now be brought to the plenary of the House of Representatives for deliberation.
Earlier on May 19, PSI Philippine affiliates conducted a Multi-stakeholder Forum on the said bill in Luxent Hotel in Quezon City. The forum aimed to strengthen the lobbying efforts of public sector unions to ensure the passage of HB 1513. The said bill is the enabling law of the ratified ILO Convention 151. The ILO C151 was ratified by the Philippine government in August 2017. PSI affiliates in the Philippines have been working closely with Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP) Party List along with other public sector labor groups to press the Marcos administration to enact the bill.