Annual Report 2016

2016 has been a year of momentous change across the world. This changing environment provides great threats, but also great opportunities where we are organised, mobilised and provide leadership for our unique vision.

There is increasing awareness amongst working people that the current system does not work in their interests and anger that their voices are not being heard. Harnessing this anger for positive change is our great challenge. Failing to do so risks that these workers will become cynical and disengaged – or worse radicalised by the extreme right.

Unions, and public service unions in particular, are well placed to promote the alternative vision and organisation that is now so urgently needed. We have a strong presence in our national union centres, good connections to civil society and an innate understanding of the value of quality public services, the functioning of democracy and the role of the state.

In 2016 PSI has built upon our previous successes and continues to re-orient ourselves to step up our campaigning and advocacy work. Amongst our achievements this year PSI, with our affiliates and allies, have:

  • Secured strong commitments at the ComHEEG to fund public health workforce growth without resorting to privatisation
  • Contributed to stopping some of the most unfair trade agreements ever negotiated coming into force,
  • Worked with Ghanaian trade unions to mobilise workers, users and activists to stop the World Bank driven privatisation of Ghana’s national energy system, and
  • Participated in well organised protest which ultimately led to a corrupt right wing president being removed from office in South Korea.

Read the full Annual Report 2016 (.pdf)