Achieving Feminist, Inclusive and Fair Tax Justice: A Perspective from Colombia

At the recent Global Alliance for Tax Justice event “Framing Feminist Taxation for Financing for Care”, Margarita López from SINTRACUAVALLE, Colombia, spoke on behalf of PSI. The event was part of the Global Days of Action on Tax Justice for Women’s Rights, launched during the 68th United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.
Hazel Ripoll
"Rebuilding the social organization of care will not be possible without achieving feminist, inclusive and fair tax justice," she declared.
A Fair Tax System for Quality Public Services
Despite the worldwide need for quality public services, corporations and the mega-rich often avoid paying their fair share of taxes. This leads to a lack of public investment in schools, hospitals, water, and sanitation. Meanwhile, tax havens are thriving, estimated to be worth more than $20 trillion.
As a result, we see inadequate public spending and increasing privatisation of public services. Women are particularly disadvantaged, as they lack access to free, quality public health services, childcare and education.
A Historic Moment for Colombia
In Colombia, we are living in a historic moment. For the first time in 400 years, we have a progressive government that is open to public influence. However, the challenge is to ensure that they have the resources to guarantee decent work and the labour rights that we need.
The victory of President Gustavo Petro and Vice-President Francia Márquez under the progressive political coalition, Pacto Histórico, comes after a period of economic, social, and environmental crises.
At the recent Global Alliance for Tax Justice event “Framing Feminist Taxation for Financing for Care”, Margarita López from SINTRACUAVALLE, Colombia, spoke on behalf of PSI. The event was part of the Global Days of Action on Tax Justice for Women’s Rights, launched during the 68th United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.
Margarita López - SINTRACUAVALLE, Colombia
A Progressive Tax Reform
In August 2022, the new government brought an ambitious tax reform to Parliament. This reform proposed that higher incomes should pay more and that the tax burden should only increase for the richest in the country.
The goal is to increase revenues by around 20 billion in 2023 (equivalent to around USD 5 billion). This will strengthen public services and promote social reforms. One of these reforms is the creation of a national system of care services.
A National System of Care Services
Building on the experience of social care centres, the new ministry led by Vice-President Francia Márquez aims to create a national care system. This system, under the Ministry of Equality and Equity, will promote a new social organisation of care in the country, recognising, reducing, and redistributing paid and unpaid care work.
However, ensuring the rewarding of care work with decent work and reclaiming the public character of care services remains a challenge.
The Way Forward
It is crucial to ensure that these two fundamental elements are incorporated into the trade union, feminist, and social agenda. Public care services must be of quality and truly for everyone.
Public Services International, as part of the Tax and Gender

working group of the Global Alliance for Tax Justice, has presented to this year's CSW68 Expert Panel proposals on "fair taxation for fair care".
Let us dream and strive to achieve a feminist fiscal policy that claims women's rights. Let's make taxes work for women!