A Letter to South African President: Reject WTO DG Ngozi's text towards a TRIPS Waiver Outcome

Over 50 trade unions representing frontline public sector health workers on the African Continent have written to South African President Ramaphosa strongly opposing the disastrous draft text on WTO and Covid-19 proposed by WTO Director-General Ngozi.

The text reflects the flawed positions of the EU and US and fails to deliver the legal tools and freedom to operate for governments and manufacturers to expand the supply of COVID-19 vaccines. This is not what South Africa and India advocated for their people and the entire developing world.

This is not what South Africa and India advocated for their people and the entire developing world

As public sector trade unions, we add our voice to the range of personalities, from economists to public interest advocates, who have written to President Ramaphosa and Minister Patel sharing similar views: to reject the DG's text.

PSI’s Regional Sectary for Africa & Arab Countries Sani Baba Mohammed states: "Africans need their independence and freedom to develop, manufacture and use vaccines. We need to put people over profit, as the choice we are given is to live or perish. The purpose of the TRIPS waiver is to ensure health equity and we demand access to life-saving technology and knowledge. We reject any compromise that maintains the status quo.

As the WTO MC12 starts on Sunday 12 June, we call on President Ramaphosa to stand firm in his rejection of this proposal.

Letter to South African President Cyril Ramaphosa ahead of the WTO conference

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PSI calls on public sector unions in Africa to sign the letter to South African President, Cyril Ramaphosa, to express deepest concerns with the current discussions on the temporary waiver of intellectual property protections on COVID-19 health technologies at the WTO