Workers of the World Unite for a New Social Contract

1 May 2020 New York, NY, USA 1 May - 1 May

Workers of the World Unite for a New Social Contract

  • 1 May - 1 May
  • New York, NY, USA

Together, we will discuss how we can build on the lessons from the COVID-19 crisis to push for a new social contract with no exclusions.

May 1, 2020 @ 11:00 a.m. EDT

The COVID crisis exposes systemic injustices that the global labor movement has long fought to change — informality in our economy, weak health care systems, lack of a social safety net, structural racism, gender discrimination and inhumane and exploitative migration regimes.

We can, and must, build on this crisis to demand and create change!

Register today for the online discussion, co-sponsored by the International Trade Union Confederation and AFL-CIO.


Cathy Feingold, AFL-CIO International Director, International Trade Union Confederation Deputy President


  • Chidi King, Director of Equality Department, International Trade Union Confederation

  • Genevieve Gencianos, Migration Program Coordinator, Public Services International

  • Hind Cherrouk, Middle East North Africa Regional Director, Solidarity Center

  • Nazma Akter, President, Sommilito Garment Sramik Federation

  • Maria Elena Sabillón, Solidarity Center, Honduras