3 Oct 2021 Barbados 3 Oct - 7 Oct


  • 3 Oct - 7 Oct
  • Barbados

The Fifteenth conference of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD 15) takes place online from October 3 to 7, hosted by Barbados. Under the theme “From inequality and vulnerability to prosperity for all”, member states will set UNCTAD’s work priorities for the next four years.

The conference includes high-level round tables on critical issues in the international economic debate. Leading up to the conference there was a series thematic side events and forums. PSI’s representatives to the conference presented at the Civil Society Forum as well as the Gender and Development Forum.

Included in the official conference programme are:

  • Three World Leaders Summits in which leaders will examine vulnerabilities especially brought about by the global health crisis to the steps and key issues in building a more prosperous development path through multilateralism.

  • Five Ministerial Roundtables that will cover Financing for Development, value chains, regional integration, technologies and productive transformation.

PSI’s delegation to the conference includes:

  • Rosa Pavanelli, General Secretary;

  • Daniel Bertossa, Assistant general secretary;

  • Susana Barria, Trade Justice campaigner;

  • Sandra Massiah, Sub-regional Secretary for the Caribbean;

  • Gianluigi Lopes, Global Campaign and Advocacy Adviser - COVID Recovery;

  • Anis Chowdhury, Adjunct Professor, Western Sydney University & University of New South Wales;

  • Helene Davis-Whyte, Jamaica Association of Local Government Officers (JALGO) and

  • Akins Vidale, Elma Francois Institute for Research and Debate (Trinidad & Tobago).

PSI collaborates closely with Our World Is Not For Sale (OWINFS) on UNCTAD issues.