Rebuilding the social organization of care

18 Mar 2021 New York, NY, USA 18 Mar - 18 Mar

Care responsibilities are distributed unequally among households, State, market, community, and between women and men. This bias is at the basis of other constraints which prevent women’s full and effective participation and decision-making in public life and is at the centre of the current global crisis.

9-11am (est) | 2-4pm (CET)

*To attend the parallel event to the UNCSW65 you will first need to register as an NGO CSW65 Forum Advocate. Then you will need to create a profile and login to the NGO CSW65 Virtual Forum platform where the link to the event will be published.


Interpretation available: English, Spanish, French and Arabic

The way out is to change the course and discourse of gender inequality, as well as to change the logic of care towards a public good through the recognition and guarantee of the human right to care. Care is thus removed from the economic and market sphere and placed at the centre of politics, of human rights.

The event will:

  • Call to rebuild the social organisation of care by:

    • Recognizing the economic value of care work and the human right to care

    • Rewarding equal pay for work of equal value, pensions, and social protection

    • Reducing the burden of unpaid care work on women

    • Redistributing care work within households and between households and State

    • Reclaiming publicness of care services

  • Share best practices on building gender-responsive quality public care systems, recognising rights and calling on the human right to care.

  • Recommend and advocate the way forward


Opening remarks
Rosa Pavanelli, PSI General Secretary

Session # 1: Changing the (dis)course on care

: Caroline Otim (GATJ)

  • Corina Rodríguez (DAWN). Findings in progress from PSI’s global study on care.

  • Kate Donald (CESR). Rights based approach to care.

  • Neelanjana Mukhia (ActionAid). Macroeconomics, IFIs and financing care public systems

  • Q&A

Session #2: Rebuilding the social organisation of care

Moderator: Roosje Saalbrink
(Womankind Worldwide)

  • Lucía Cirmi Obón (National Director of Care Policies at the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity in Argentina). Advances in the national public care system.

  • Azza Soliman, Center for Egyptian Women's Legal Assistance (CEWLA). What is going on in Egypt on care?

  • Banaani Deka (PSI) Organising Community Health Workers in India

  • Gloria Mills (UNISON-EPSU-PSI): Women health and care workers. Key demands.

  • Q&A

Final remarks: A way forward
Irene Khumalo, PSI World Women's Committee Chair.